Hi all,
Ah, yes... I am pretty new here but have been reading posts daily for well over a month now and greatly admire a lot of what I see here! I never was a JW, but I have friends who were and one that still is. One of my close friends was apparently DF'd in a way when a child just because of his family situation/divorce.
I remember once in the late '80's after I recommitted myself to God but still hung out with all my partying friends (of which he was one), several of us were at his apartment after going to a club, and he commented on my Christian shirt saying, "the holy and righteous God can kiss my ass." Then to the sudden silence, I replied, "He will kiss it with flames if you don't change." I didn't realize his true thoughts or views or what he'd been through previously or how those words would affect him.
Over a period of time (we all were/are musicians), we ended up going to Christian heavy metal/punk rock concerts in the early '90's, and he was into bashing Christians while I took up for them. I later learned some things about his previously learned JW views and how he thought he was doomed since he was not one then and had long hair. Over time, I showed him some things from the Bible that revealed a different side of things than he previously knew, and so over time he came to believe in the Bible instead of just what he'd previously heard that had left him feeling like just some doomed soul for the rest of his life. It was encouraging to hear him years later discussing his own thoughts of what he'd read in the Bible that didn't come from his wife, a church, or myself!
Also, a current JW friend (I hope still friend) had e-mailed back and forth with me for a while but started sending some JW mumbo-jumbo replies to what I thought were nice and fine messages. She stopped after I replied to her (rules on) views on Christmas with my own views that I actually felt I was really light on, just saying I thought it was fine for people to either celebrate it or not, that Jesus never commanded us not to celebrate His birth, and that things He did tell us to do, such as helping the needy and spreading the gospel, do occur heavily during the holiday. Then I just glossed it over a bit by just friendly banter about hoping her week goes well and upcoming school semester rocks (surprised she's even allowed to go!). Not a thing back. My e-mail was apparently blocked for a while, but after trying to send one like once a week for a few weeks, I finally got one through (or at least no message "undeliverable") just being friendly and nothing to do with religion at all and still hadn't heard anything in some time.
So that hacks me off somewhat because the JW-type replies seemed a little haughty (and to which I easily could have quashed with even a NWT Bible but not wanting to chance losing a friend), but mainly because it seems obvious she's never had another side/opinion to compare with and how I've learned via this forum and other sites that JW's are trapped into only being able to read/hear their own publications and are under attack of fear of losing their salvation (as it were), family, and JW freinds if they even read "apostate"/other views. I never knew what a trap they are in~! Though what I'd previously known was enough for me to want to see people leave that organization, I never dreamed how insidious a trap is devised for them and how they have no true freedom or "Truth" at all.
I grew up in a divorce situation that had me going first to Methodist, then Baptist, then Pentecostal churches. What I LOVE is that I was never forced into which view my mother or father preferred. I saw good things in each church and some things I wasn't really into. I've learned I can go to pretty much any congregation and get something useful out of it but, at the same time, do not feel compelled or trapped into having to believe exactly the way only they teach or everything they teach is 100% gospel truth.
I also worked at a church that strangely is a cross between Baptist and Pentecostal (the pastor having doctorates in each denomenation) for over 7 years. I'd seen things I was surprised by and almost made me wonder if any churches were real and had me greatly depressed for a long time, and then I'd seen many surprising things there that had me knowing there were great and real things to be found at churches and that people could be aweome and real brothers and sisters. I maybe kinda' understand to some degree how it must feel to be a JW who first sees things about their own belief/hall that make them wonder and have a really scary/negative outlook, yet at the same time being very scared to even take the chance of reading "apostate" literature or being spied on/caught doing so -- or even feeling like they'd be doomed even if not seen doing so since it's such a "bad" thing in the JW view and thus must be blasphemy to God.
This all has me wanting to reach out to them and not just mosh them with certain Bible verses, such as one who came around a few times but could never answer all I'd pointed out to him in his own Bible, thinking then, "wow... I've got him on the ropes," when in reality, he was probably just leaving that last time thinking I was a lost cause/soul. What I want to do is both for selfish reasons and not; I want to free a friend so that she can make her own discoveries and decisions for herself, but I also want all people to feel they have the right to know and understand why they believe the way they do (which would actually STRENGTHEN theif beliefs if the beliefs are based on a valid foundation!) or if there is something else out there they can feel free and absent from guilt to look into. Personally, I'm a Bible-believing Christian (and yes, there've been a couple times when I was awestruck by long-held views I had to confront that didn't line up with the Word but was just taught~ ouch!) and would like to see people free to feel they can know God without any organization ("Let God be true and every man a liar") or even just another person holding it over their heads; at the same time, I realize that many former JW's are not Christians at all anymore for various reasons. I feel all people should be free to understand ALL things and reasons for what and why they believe in what they do. Although I'd like to see everyone a Christian, I don't believe in hiding things from people, keeping them ignorant, in order to do so. Nothing is hidden from me, or at least I have freedom to research anything I want, and I feel all should have that freedom!
God bless, and I am very very glad to see you all feel the freedom you do now and make choices YOU want to make for yourselves! :D